Addition and Subtraction
With a Happy Ending
Addition and Subtraction With a Happy Ending is designed to provide practice for students learning the basic skills of addition and subtraction of whole numbers.
We believe that mastery of math skills and concepts requires both good teaching and lots of practice. Certain features are designed into the puzzles both to spark enthusiasm and to make this practice more effective.
KNOWLEDGE OF RESULTS. We all need feedback and confirmation when we work, especially when learning new skills. Built into Addition and Subtraction puzzles are various devices for giving the student immediate feedback as exercises are completed. For example, if an answer is not in the scrambled answer list or code, the student knows it is incorrect. S/he can then try again or ask for help. Additional confirmation occurs when the student finds an appropriate puzzle solution. Students work with greater confidence.
MOTIVATING GOALS FOR STUDENTS. Each puzzle solution is a goal that can motivate students. They find hidden messages, pictures, funny poems, riddle answers, punchlines, etc., in the process of checking their answers. These goals act as incentives to keep students working and, when discovered, provide a sense of closure and success. The variety and novelty of procedures are additional sources of student motivation.
CAREFUL SELECTION OF TOPICS AND EXERCISES. The sequence of exercises within each puzzle is designed to guide students in step-by-step fashion toward mastery of the skill or concept involved. Students practice through an appropriate range of exercises for the topic.
In addition to these efforts to make the puzzles effective, we have tried to make them easy to use. Each puzzle is keyed to a specific topic listed in the table of contents. Many puzzles provide space for student work and, hopefully, their self-correcting feature will lighten the burden of correcting assignments. Please check out some sample puzzles to see if they would work for you.