Sample Puzzles by Section
A. Beginning Multiplication and Division
1. Multiplying a Three- or Four-digit Number by a One-digit Number
2. Dividing a Four-digit Number by a One-digit Number
B. Operations with Whole Numbers.
1. Multiplying a two-digit by another two-digit number
2. Dividing a Three- or Four-digit Number by a Two-digit Number
C. Number Theory, Sets, and Number Bases
1. Identifying Prime Numbers Less Than 100
2. Finding the Least Common Multiple of Three Numbers
D. Fractions
1. Adding Two Fractions With Unlike Denominators
2. Dividing Proper and Improper Fractions
E. Decimals and Percent
1. Subtracting Decimals
2. Finding a Percent of a Number
F. Geometry, Measurement, and Cartesian Coordinates
1. Demonstrating Knowledge of the Basic Vocabulary Related to Angles
2. Finding the Area of a Figure by Counting Square Units
Answers for Pages D-40 through D-48