Book A • Sample Puzzles by Section
1. Basic Facts
Review: Basic Facts
2. Place Value and Numeration
Rounding: Nearest 10, 100, 1,000, or 10,000
3. Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers
Estimating Sums and Differences
4. Multiplication of Whole Numbers
Multiplying by a 2-Digit Factor
5. Division of Whole Numbers
Problem Solving: Mixed Applications
6. Enrichment
Roman Numerals
Answer Section Book A
Answers (75 - 78)
Book B • Sample Puzzles by Section
1. Problem-Solving Strategies
Problem Solving Strategy: Draw a Picture
2. Decimal Numeration
Rounding Decimals
3. Addition and Subtraction of Decimals
Problem Solving: Mixed Applications
4. Multiplication of Decimals
Review: Multiplication
5. Division of Decimals
Dividing Decimals: Rounding the Quotient
6. Problem Solving With a Calculator
Using a Calculator: Mixed Applications
7. Enrichment
Answer Section Book B
Answers (15 - 18)
Book C • Sample Puzzles by Section
1. Number Theory
Greatest Common Factor (GCF)
2. Fractions
Lowest-Terms Fractions
3. Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
Estimating Sums and Differences of Mixed Numbers
4. Multiplication of Fractions
Multiplying Fractions: Simplifying Before Multiplying
5. Division of Fractions
Dividing Mixed Numbers
6. Fractions and Decimals
Terminating and Repeating Decimals
7. Enrichment
Variable Expressions Using Fractions
Answer Section Book C
Answers (55 - 58)
Book D • Sample Puzzles by Section
1. Measurement: Metric Units
Renaming Units of Length
2. Measurement: Customary Units
Review: Capacity and Weight
3. Geometry
Review: Related Angles
4. Perimeter and Area
Area of Triangles
5. Surface Area and Volume
Problem Solving: Mixed Applications
6. Square Roots and Right Triangles
The Rule of Pythagoras: Find the Length of the Hypotenuse
7. Enrichment
Answer Section Book D
Answers (31 - 34)
Book E • Sample Puzzles by Section
1. Ratio and Proportion
Problem Solving: Using Proportions
2. Percent
Finding a Percent of a Number
3. Statistics and Graphs
Line Graphs
4. Probability
5. Integers
Adding Integers: Unlike Signs
6. Coordinate Graphing
Graphing Ordered Pairs: All Quadrants
7. Equations
Solving Equations: ax + b = c
8. Enrichment
Test of Genius
Answer Section Book E
Answers (11 - 14)