Mathimagination (309 pages)
After ordering you’ll receive an email with a secure link for downloading. This link will be active for 24 hours. You’ll receive a folder that contains a pdf file for each page as well as another pdf file with all the pages combined (for easier browsing). Your purchase includes unlimited duplication rights for one teacher, but this permission does not extend to groups of teachers sharing the book.
After ordering you’ll receive an email with a secure link for downloading. This link will be active for 24 hours. You’ll receive a folder that contains a pdf file for each page as well as another pdf file with all the pages combined (for easier browsing). Your purchase includes unlimited duplication rights for one teacher, but this permission does not extend to groups of teachers sharing the book.
After ordering you’ll receive an email with a secure link for downloading. This link will be active for 24 hours. You’ll receive a folder that contains a pdf file for each page as well as another pdf file with all the pages combined (for easier browsing). Your purchase includes unlimited duplication rights for one teacher, but this permission does not extend to groups of teachers sharing the book.